P-Tribe's Trip

In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate: There are four people in P-Tribe: a man, his wife, and their two daughters. One of the girls is 5 years old. The other is 9 months. P-Tribe is from California. They'll be living in Jordan for the next 12 to 15 months, God willing, studying Arabic and soaking up local culture. This is what happens.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Little Touches

Before we move on to the rest of our apartment, this is one last shot of the foyer, looking up and back toward the front door.

I just wanted to show you some of the little touches that they put on the homes out here. Every home has it's share of archways, relief work, or elaborate moulding framing the ceilings and light fixtures. I also like that the homes have high ceilings, at least ten feet or so. Sure beats the boxy wood framing of California's tract homes.

Stone construction also means you never hear your neighbors upstairs. I remember one apartment we had in Long Beach- we swore that the tenants above us were bowling in their kitchen.

We'll show you around some more real soon, insha'Allah.


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